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Are there any benefits to making additional repayments on your home loan?

10 October 2023

As life gets more and more expensive, it can be hard enough making ends meet let alone considering making additional repayments on your home loan. Let’s face it – it feels like could the money be put to better use than on a home loan where you’re already making the

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Are you a mortgage prisoner?

3 October 2023

What is a mortgage prisoner? A mortgage prisoner is someone who finds themselves trapped in their current mortgage deal and is unable to remortgage or switch lenders due to various reasons, such as changes in financial circumstances or stricter lending criteria. How does it happen? Australia’s mortgage market has undergone

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Making home equity work for you

26 September 2023

When you enter the property market or transition from your first home to another property, it’s important to pay attention to the value of your house, townhouse, or apartment. The equity in your home is the difference between the current value of the property and what you still owe on

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Working out how much to borrow when buying property

19 September 2023

The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) increasing official interest rates 12 times since May last year – taking the cash rate from a record low 0.1 per cent to 4.1 per cent – has not only had an impact on existing mortgage holders but made life more difficult for those

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